Dr. Tomisha Price-Brock presents the first of the 2021-2022 Colloquium Series entitled, "Communicating with Administrators: Tips for Educators".

Facilitator: Dr. Tomisha Price-Brock, Owner/CEO of Prodigious Music Concepts, LLC tlbrock@prodigiousmusicconcepts.org (470) 771-9447 (business cell)
Guest Panelists: Dr. Patrick Moore (South Carolina State University), Dr. Myron Brown (Winston-Salem State University), and Professor Charles Conner (Tucker High School)
Audience: This webinar is geared towards K-12 educators and administrators, and college/university faculty, staff, and administrators
Focus: This webinar presents helpful tips and strategies for effective and efficient communication with program and district/institution administrators and supervisors. Participants will gain valuable information regarding program planning, developing short term and long term goals, using a variety of communicating methods, and presenting data and other helpful resources to garner administrative support.
Prodigious Concepts airs on HBCUiRadio (bit.ly/HBCUiRadio) and HBCU Smart TV ( Amazon Fire TV, Roku and HBCUSmartTV.com/watch-live) on Friday evenings at 7pm ET & #SmartSundays at 4pm ET.