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Anthony Ray

IT'S EASY SON - Host, Gerald Hector and special guest, Dean Barron Harvey

This week, we welcome Dean Barron Harvey to the podcast. He is a stellar figure in the world of higher education as the immediate past Dean of the School of Business at the prestigious Howard University. He has shaped and impacted the lives of countless business professionals and entrepreneurs. He joins us to share his early years and his academic pursuits that led him to his great achievements in higher education at several institutions. He shares words of wisdom for young people and young professionals to navigate their careers. This is another one of those episodes you don't want to miss.

It's Easy Son: Life Lessons on Your Journey To Your Promise is a weekly, one-hour broadcast of interviews of thought leaders from a broad spectrum of society where we ask them about their journey from childhood to the place they hold now in society. The show is birthed out of my first book published in October of 2019. It is entitled, "It's Easy Son, Quit Making Things Difficult: Lasting Life Lessons from a Coach and Mentor".


It's Easy Son: Life Lessons on Your Journey To Your Promise airs on HBCUiRadio and HBCU Smart TV ( Amazon Fire TV, Roku and on Wednesday evenings at 8pm ET and weekends at 8am and 2pm ET.

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