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Gerald welcomes Dr. Brian Johnson, President of Warner Pacific University

Anthony Ray

This week on It's Easy Son, Gerald welcomes Dr. Brian Johnson, the President of Warner Pacific University. In addition to being his former colleague at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Johnson is also a past president of the historic Tuskegee University, Assistant Provost at Austin Peay State University and has held other roles at the senior levels of higher education at Johnson C. Smith University and Mercy College in Manhattan.

A scholar par excellence, Dr. Johnson's academic credentials are impressive As a Dubois and Washington scholar, he shares his perspective on a host of issues through daily quotes from these leaders. A man of deep faith and conviction he continues his quest to shape the conversation around the future of higher education and scholarships's relevance to it.

It's Easy Son airs each Wednesday at 8pm on the HBCU Nation network.


It's Easy Son: Life Lessons on Your Journey To Your Promise airs on HBCUiRadio and HBCU Smart TV ( Amazon Fire TV, Roku and on Wednesday evenings at 8pm ET and Sunday for #SmartSundays at 3pm ET.

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