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Anthony Ray

Charlynda Scales joins Host, Cherissa Jackson on Live At The Table

In this episode of Live At The Table, Host, Cherissa Jackson talks with Charlynda Scales, CEO of Mutts Sauce discusses her journey, following her grandfather's legacy and being a single mother.

Cherissa Jackson's Live At The Table is a unique broadcast that delves into the stories of women veterans. There are over 2 million women veterans who honorably served this country.

"Our voices and courageous stories should be heard. We will not be forgotten, excluded or ignored. We are innovators, CEOs, entrepreneurs impacting the world. YOU want us at your table to gain our expertise. Live At The Table will encourage, motivate and inspire you." - Cherissa Jackson.


Live At The Table can be heard on HBCUiRadio ( and Amazon Alexa ) and seen on HBCU Smart TV ( ROKU, Amazon Firestick and,

Wednesdays at 7pm ET, Thursdays at 2pm and Saturdays at 12pm ET.

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